
The Metaphysical Experience is a blog that’s not afraid to confront life’s big questions.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? Where did we come from? What happens after we die? Are we alone? Is there more to the world than meets the eye? What is reality?

These questions are ancient. They’ve been asked by every human society since the dawn of self-awareness.

There are fundamentally two institutions that have been established for the primary purpose of answering these age-old questions: science and religion. Science takes an objective, pragmatic approach at answering the questions. Religion takes a subjective, faith-based approach at answering the questions. Science uses processes such as observation, experimentation, and replication in an effort to form theories that attempt to shed light on the questions. Religion, in a general sense, supplies answers to the questions based on the teachings of prophets.

There are, however, many people who aren’t completely satisfied with the answers they’ve been presented with. These people are typically reluctant to accept the answersfrom one institution. Moreover, these people are also reluctant to accept these answers from one single source.

Is the scientific approach wrong? No. Is the religious approach wrong? No. It’s not a matter of one being right and the other being wrong. It’s simply a matter of staying away from extremes.

The Metaphysical Experience blog is intended to approach the fundamental questions from a different perspective. The approach isn’t solely scientific in nature, nor is it religious in nature. It’s essentially an alternative perspective, which can be categorized as New Age philosophy.

The main purpose of this blog is to inform the reader of information pertaining to metaphysical phenomena. Most of the information provided is in the form of subjective analysis (i.e. opinion). However, the blog will also incorporate well-documented and objective (i.e. “factual”) information in some of its content.

Note: The word “metaphysics” has more than one meaning. In the context of this blog, metaphysics can be defined as “phenomena that transcends the confines of the physical universe”. Therefore, other words like “supernatural” or “paranormal” can be used –and will be used– interchangeably with the word “metaphysical” in the content of this blog.

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